Probably won't see it until 11:15ish. I didn't anyway. There is an extensive tunnel network just beneath the surface of Mars.
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
6 Day War - USS Liberty
The USS Liberty was attacked by Israeli fighter jets in 1967, despite 7 fly-overs and clear markings all over the ship. 34 Americans killed, 171 wounded. The plan was to get America involved with the invasions occurring in the Sinai Peninsula, West Bank, the Gaza strip, and Golan Heights. They would do this by making it look like Egypt had attacked an American destroyer. They wanted to invade Egypt. The plan backfired when they Israeli Jets confirmed downing the ship a little too early and left. The ship survived, thanks to the bravery of the remaining crew. They told the world who attacked them, and Israel went into the defensive. Israel apologized. Said they didn't mean it. America, as a whole, bought their story. The survivors... not so much.
Monday, December 29, 2014
The Ebola crisis is fake. It's not airborne. It's not going to get you.
Here's what's actually happening:
Big Pharma company XYZ decides it wants profit$. So it produces 1 billion placebo Ebola vaccines. Then it throws money at people. A small amount of money... not too much. Like 10K for each of the 3 journalists they hired. You know, enough to pay for some of that degree which isn't making them any money. XYZ says to them "make Ebola look real dangerous. Make it an anywhere U.S.A kind of threat."
So THIS is what they came up with:
Meanwhile company XYZ's stockholders are practicing the butterfly in gold plated swimming pools.
Paul Is Dead
The real Paul McCartney was murdered and an impostor put in his place sometime between 1966-1967. The evidence starts with every single Beatles song after 1966 (not coincidentally their last public appearance). It builds when put into context any (and every one) of their movies and album art, and finishes with the not so obvious but unmistakable physical differences between Paul and Faul to the point that we know now how tall all 3 Fauls were, what plastic surgeries were done and where, and ultimately how exactly they were able to keep up with the charade for so long even as Fauls were wrong-handed.
The question isn't "Is it really him?" anymore. The questions now are 1. Who did this? 2. Why would they do this? 3. How did they do it? 4. Where did they find the impostors? 5 Etc Etc.
To answer these questions, we go deep. Follow me.
Aaron Hernandez
Aaron Hernandez is innocent. All U.S. citizens are innocent until proven guilty. That's why we have a judicial system. To find out if you really gone done it. When they let Aaron Hernandez go it's going to upset a lot of people who are so committed to his "thug" image. They are going to let him go "on a technicality" but in reality what IF Aaron Hernandez really was innocent??? What IF he was set up?? How would you feel if you were in jail for year before your trial. I'm no lawyer but that dude covered his tracks like a fox if he actually did it and evades jail time. Like a professional almost.
Charles Lindbergh, Jr
Charles Lindbergh was an outspoken war critic in the years after his solo flight across the Atlantic. After his 2 year old son was kidnapped and murdered, Charles and his family went into hiding (in Europe), only to emerge back into the public spotlight years later a true advocate for World War 2. Wait, something is fishy here.
Gulf War - "Nayirah"
Nayirah testified that she saw Iraqi soldiers pulling Kuwait babies from incubators. This lie resulted in Operation Desert Storm.
Vietnam War - Gulf of Tonkin
Gulf of Tonkin never happened. Everyone admitted it was faked. The whole Vietnam War was fought because of a false flag event. 2.5 million violent deaths. More than 550K affected by agent orange. In 1965, President Johnson said of the event "For all I know, our Navy was shooting at whales out there." But yeah/no false flags couldn't happen in our time and "our government wouldn't do that."
Sunday, December 28, 2014
The Moon Landings - Continuity
Hoax. You can clearly see the wires when they jump. Plus the fake Earth transparencies and dark blackboards in Apollo 11’s window kinda give it away.
Space may be the final frontier, but it was made in a Hollywood basement,
like this one.
Dreyfus Affair exposed by Emile Zola
In the late 1800s in France, Jewish artillery officer Alfred Dreyfus was wrongfully convicted of treason based on false government documents, and sentenced to life in prison. The French government did attempt to cover this up, but Dreyfus was eventually pardoned after the affair was made public thanks to Émile Zola.
Jesus was a Christian. Crusaders were\are not.
It's pretty simple. Christians don't murder people or support those that murder people. They are appalled at things like torture, killing, or fighting in general.
Also Jesus looked more like this:
Islam is peaceful. America is not.
Of all the major religions, Islam has had the FEWEST terrorists plot against the U.S... even if you count the 17 (from Saudi Arabia, Yemen) from 9/11. You are still more than 3 times as likely to die from bees or slipping in a bathtub than terrorism, not that it means anything beyond the "ignorance is strength" montra this country has fallen into. I mean come on.. America has used Agent Orange and nuclear weapons on children. Bunch of hypocrites if you ask me.
The Prestige 2006 (SPOILER)
There were no clones in the movie The Prestige. It’s a movie about illusions. They show you every magic trick needed to explain the entire movie without resorting to “clones”, and yet 9 out of 10 people are still like “omg clones” It's the best part of the movie, in fact. Most people won't find it though, because of course they're not really looking. They don't really want to know. They want to be fooled.
Just a bunch of hats people, electricity doesn't clone you.
Spanish-American War - USS Maine
The USS Maine was sabotaged by American business interests and I would like to believe there wasn't anybody actually on board. This is a prime example of a false flag. The Spanish American war was the result. America then goes on to conquer Cuba and the Philippines.
This is the result. Spain/Cuba had nothing to do with it.
South Korea Ferry "Accident"
The South Korea Ferry accident was extremely tragic. But was it really necessary to fire the Prime Minister of the entire country because of it? I mean how was anything his fault? Even the subsequent rescue and investigation... how would any of that be his fault? Or could this really be the motivation behind the sinking in the first place? Was the sinking done on purpose? Maybe South Korea does not want to fight North Korea. Maybe a PM change was necessary? There is not enough information on this one-- Wait. The ferry sank on April 15th-- at least it was April 15th in New York at the time. I'm sold.
TWA Flight 800
TWA Flight 800 was shot down over Long Island Sound. Many eye-witnesses have claimed to have seen a missile, plus everything points to sabotage.
World War I - RMS Lusitania
The Lusitania was deliberately sent into U-boat infested waters knowing full well what was going to happen. Some people (Rothchilds, for example) really wanted the US in the war. They knew it'd take a lot to sway American's opinion towards pro-European war. The sinking of RMS Lusitania did just that for them.
Twin Towers Demolition Evidence
The U.S. government had little to do with 9/11. Our government is full of idiots and couldn't pull something like that off. (Except maybe Cheney, Rumsfeld, the entire 9/11 commission and maybe a few FAA senior officers.) The people who actually did 9/11 were paid (never knowing by whom) to make 2 big drones look like 737s (for the twin towers) because "they" couldn't find even the minimum requirements of 2 men dumb enough to manually fly real planes into real buildings. They used nano-thermite. The evidence of thermite itself is everywhere.
Ancient Monuments and Global Positioning
There is incontrovertible evidence of precise global positioning, thousands of years ago, requiring space age technologies, and satellite triangulation. Carl Munck, archaeocryptographer, introduces an ancient Pyramid Matrix, in which monuments - across the globe - encode their exact positions with respect to latitude and longitude. The science of decoding these monuments is called archaeocryptography. For latitude, ancient monuments were referenced to the same (modern) equator. For longitude, these monuments were referenced to a former Giza, Egypt Prime Meridian - discovered by Munck.
Building Demolition
Little Grey Men
All Nuclear Explosions Since 1945
Missile Hit the Pentagon
Dave Chapelle Talks About Hollywood
Moon Landings - Apollo 13
9/11 Names, Connections, Motives
Oklahoma City Bombing
Secret Service Murdered John F. Kennedy
Barack Obama is Osama Bin Laden
Crisis Actors #3 (Sandy Hook)
Saturday, December 27, 2014
Crisis Actors #2 (Sandy Hook)
George Harrison Calls Paul "Faul"
Titanic/Olympic Swap Explained
It was the Olympic that was damaged when rammed by the HMS Hawke in September of 1911. It was the Olympic they dressed as Titanic in the following months. It was the Olympic they sabotaged (near boiler room 6) and it was definitely not an iceberg that sank it.
The best of the best exposing the complete Titanic fraud.
James Holmes Appears in Court
9/11 - Drones Evidence
9/11 - Larry Silverstein Says "Pull It"
*Lease holder of the World Trade Center on 9/11
*With partner Frank Lowry signs for a 99-year lease on WTC in July of 2001.
*Good friends with Benjamin Netanyahu, the man who wrote the "War on Terror" doctrine
*Good friends with Ronald Lauder, the man behind the privatization of the WTC site.
*Chairman of the United Jewish Appeal, raised 1 billion for "Israel"
*Hides behind the religion as opposed to working towards it.
*Buys the lease and insures WTC for millions.
*Collects 4 billion on towers that were full of asbestos and more than 70% unoccupied
*Lobbies Newt Gingrich to support his companies vision for "Israel"
*Luckily survives 9/11 due to a last minute board meeting cancellation
*Goes on record to say "We pulled building 7"
9/11 - Building 7's Collapse
Anderson Cooper on Sandy Hook Conspiracies
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